5 Reasons to Celebrate After Valentine's Day

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A lot of people make Valentine's Day out to be the only day of the year that you can celebrate your love for your significant other. This is wrong because you can celebrate your love for your partner any day of the year. Valentine's Day just happens to be the most popular and the most expensive. If you're looking for a budget-friendly, time-friendly alternative to a typical Valentine's Day event, then consider celebrating Valentine's Day the day after. Celebrate on February 15th instead.


Five Reasons to Celebrate February 15th - the day AFTER Valentine’s day

1.     It’s easier to take off of work. On February 14th, everyone will be clamoring to get home as soon as possible. Everyone in a relationship will be interested in going home early, they may want to work a half-day, or they may even call in sick. Even if they are at the office, they will be more focused on what the rest of the night will entail instead of focusing on their work. One way to make your employer very happy is to go against the grain and ask for the following day off. You're more likely to get the time off, anyway.

2.    Candy and gifts are discounted by 50%. Anyone who regularly buys groceries knows about this one not-so-secret secret. After every major holiday, the items specific to that holiday are majorly discounted. So instead of paying the insane price mark-up before Valentine's Day, get as much candy and gifts as you want the day afterwards.  Especially if you are on a budget or you're just not a big Valentine's Day gift-giver, waiting until the day after is a great way to save money while still getting whatever your partner wants.

3.    You will have no trouble making reservations, and dinner will be cheaper. If you celebrated many Valentine's Days, then you know how difficult it can be to get reservations on February 14th. Restaurants often have set menus, high prices, and a reservation list longer than you can imagine. Rather than scramble to make reservations on V-Day, enjoy any restaurant in the city the day after. Not only will you be able to eat anywhere you want, but you also won't have to pay for the Valentine's Day special, either. 

4.    Everything is cheaper. Even if you had no plans for a fancy dinner on Valentine's Day, other events are cheaper too. Perhaps you wanted to go for drinks or visit a tourist attraction in your city. No matter what your plans were for Valentine's Day, they're always cheaper the day after.

5.    You can say “I love you” any time you want. I know this sounds cliché, but it's true. It’s probably not a good idea to skip Valentine's Day without saying something to your partner first, but if you decide to make an alternative Valentine's Day tradition, making plans after V-Day is a fun one to start. On top of that, no one should let commercialism and peer pressure dictate how they express love and affection in their relationship. If you don't like Valentine's Day or chocolate, flowers and romantic dinners aren't your thing, then make your own tradition. 


It's true that most people are going to celebrate their love for one another on Valentine's Day, but you don't have to be those people. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate the day after instead, such as cheaper food, no crowd, and an easier time getting the day off.

AllColleen Mallon