5 Tips for Planning A Romantic Valentine's Day Evening

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For some people, Valentine’s day is a dreaded commercial holiday full of stuffed animals, red flowers, and cheap chocolates. However, despite its commercial origins, you can still enjoy a unique and original Valentine’s day with your significant other. Whether you want to go out and have fun or you want to stay in and have a night to yourselves, the key to an awesome V-Day is all about the planning.


5 Tips for Planning a Romantic Valentine’s Day Evening


1.     Plan in advance. Don't think you can just slap something together at the last minute for your Valentine's Day celebration. At the bare minimum, you need to decide if you're staying in or going out, make a grocery list or call to make reservations, and pick up sexy supplies for after dinner festivities. You also need to make sure your significant other is available the day of. It's better to confirm their availability rather than find out they decided to work that afternoon instead.

2.    Make it personal. Move away from the typical flowers, chocolate, and stuffed animals and prepare something special for your significant other. Of course, if they like flowers, chocolates, or stuffed animals, go ahead and purchase those things, but don't forget to plan something special, individual, and unique at the same time. For example, if you know your significant other loves romantic dramas and kettle corn, then consider including those things for a personalized Valentine’s Day experience. 

3.    Dress to impress. Valentine's Day isn't the day to lounge around in a hoodie and sweats. As preparation for the big night, do whatever it is that makes you feel the sexiest. If that means getting a new haircut or shaving your legs, then go for it. Especially if you're going for a night out, pick an outfit that accentuates your body and makes you feel confident. If you're staying in, don’t hesitate to dress up, anyway. 

4.    Pay attention to the menu. Whether you're going out or staying in, the food you choose to eat on Valentine’s Day is exceptionally important because you don’t want to have a dud of a meal. If you are going out, pick a place that has plenty of options that you and your significant other both enjoy. If you're staying in, then you have complete control over the menu, so pick something to cook that you both love but never make for yourselves. Also, don't forget dessert.

5.    Continue the next morning. Valentine's Day doesn't have to end at 11:59 p.m. on February 14th. If it's an option, continue the loving festivities into the next morning with a home-cooked breakfast, sensual shower, or even flowers delivered to the office. If you want to make it really special, turn February 15th into a Valentine's Day encore by planning a second day of loving events. 

No matter how you decide to spend your Valentine’s day, even if it’s with your friends, you can still have a good time. To make this day fun for everyone involved, focus on the planning and the personalization, and you will be well on your way to making it an unforgettable evening.