Last Minute Wedding Day Checklist

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After months of planning, the big day is finally on the horizon. It may be tempting to kick your feet up the week before the wedding and relax before the big day, but to ensure the whole event goes off without a hitch, you should check over some last-minute things.  

If you’re feeling anxious about the wedding, remember to take a few deep breaths, take a few days to yourself, and remember why you’re getting married before jumping into your last stage of planning.

Your Final Wedding Day Checklist:

1.     Check in with vendors and send last payments. Go ahead and finalize everything. If you still have a few payments to send out, write those checks and get them out of your mind. Plus, this is a good time to go over the plan with your vendors and make sure everything is scheduled correctly.

2.    Pack for your honeymoon and drop your luggage off. Even if you don’t leave for your honeymoon immediately after the wedding, it’s a good idea to go ahead and get your honeymoon bag packed before the big day. You can also have your luggage taken to your wedding venue along with all the other wedding day items rather than worry about it yourself.

3.    Put your signature drink recipes in writing. Did you have a plan for a signature drink? If the drink is particularly unique (perhaps custom created just for you), you want to write down the recipe and make sure the caterers and the bartenders have access to it.

4.    Check in with your DJ. If you’ve hired a DJ for your wedding reception, you should take a moment to check with them on the music plans for your event. Make sure your DJ has the correct versions for your first dance song and your cake cutting song. If you’re DIYing your wedding reception playlist, a few days before your wedding is a good time to check your playlist and your equipment.

5.    Check in with your photographer and make a wedding day photography schedule. This is an important step for a smooth wedding day. Take some time to plan the order of shots with your photographer. While photos with the bride must happen after the ceremony, bridesmaids and groomsmen pictures can be taken ahead of time.

6.    Create a day-of itinerary. Know the order of events for the wedding. Your wedding day is a big event with a lot of moving parts, and the only way to keep everything and everyone straight is by writing down an itinerary.

7.    Have a gift caretaker and a wedding day supervisor. Take the pressure off yourself by appointing a friend or family member as the gift caretaker and another person as the wedding day supervisor. Your guests are going to need guidance, and you’re going to be too busy enjoying your night to worry about them.

8.    Have a responsible party take care of legal documents. Another thing you don’t want to worry about is your legal documents. Appoint a third person to take care of your wedding papers, vendor information, passports, and anything else you may need to have on hand for your wedding day. These items can easily get lost in the shuffle if you’re not prepared ahead of time.

9.    Pack an emergency kit. Things like extra hair spray, glue, hair ties, fake eyelashes, mini sewing kit, and Band-Aids will always be necessary on a wedding day. To stay ahead of the game, pack a personalized emergency kit with your favorite, well-loved products just in case of a wedding-day mishap.

10. Eat some food! Finally, make sure you’re scheduled to eat. This might sound absolutely crazy, but your wedding day is going to be a whirlwind and you don’t want to think about cooking breakfast. Schedule a breakfast caterer or have a friend deliver a nutritious meal to you, so you have enough energy to handle all the excitement of your big day.

Don’t let the last few days before your wedding day throw you into a frenzy. This succinct wedding checklist will help you keep everything in order, so your day can go as smoothly as possible.